Saturday, September 18, 2010

La Familia!!!!!!!!!

hello mrs. eddie, i am gabriel's mom and i just wanted to say that the honor of having you as my son's teacher is of great inspiration to my son. He is writing a great amount of books as one complete series of a story and he simply adores writing it. Everytime i come home from work i always find him inside his head and regurtitating all of his thoughts and his incredible adventures down on paper, and he doesnt stop. i, for one, love that he loves writing. i believe its the most healthiest thing for him, the most innocent act of my son's personality, his overall person. Gabriel is so innocent, so pure, and good. he sees life from an untainted way of sight. i have not had a chance to read his story, but every time he writes, he always tells me how he can improve his writing the way you have taught him. he tells me that you have taught him many things, the biggest thing is that authors have to write with purpose, with meaning of what each writer's personality and experiences. i realy hope in hearing alot of you through my son mrs. eddy, because i realy believe that he will shine in life with his stories later in life. i keep telling him that his life hasn't even begun yet for him, he is still a baby in my eyes, and he is growing up faster than i can keep up. all i want is for him to leave my home prepared for what life holds in store for him, and with his writings, he will have all the tools to turn that famous phrase around into what he has in store for life.

                                                                                            thank you sinceriously,
                                                                                                                 gabriela valenzuela a.k.a the future mother of the future most famous author in history

1 comment:

  1. Your comments make me want to hug you!!! Your son is an amazing boy and I am so lucky to have him as a student! Thanks so much for your blog post, and your kind words. I now know why Gabriel is such a great kid, he has a great mom! :)
